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Bug watch

Bug watch,creepy crawlies, kidswear

Love them. Hate them. You are scared of them. Who is not fascinated by the creepy crawlies?

Insects have always been an inspiration for artists for ages. A study in Biological conservation reports a 40% decline in insect species. Pollinators like bees, butterflies, moths and beetles are particularly in danger of extinction that might threaten entire ecosystems.SE Asia, Latin America and Africa have an exotic variety of various insects. There are local collectors of insects who work hard to preserve their habitats.

Nature’s designs are impossible to imitate.

These insects are exquisite, functional and are beautifully patterned by nature, yet so minimalist.

This summer we scatter bejewelled bugs on pretty pastels for a girly twist on conversational insect prints. Insects such as flies and beetles are an alternative to the conventional animal motifs, in a pretty palette of pastels. Pretty creepy crawlies and birds accompany characters to create a charming backyard garden story for our summer collection.

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